A man after my own heart! My worldbuilding project is coming up on ten years, but I started when I was quite young and the continents have undergone some pretty cataclysmic revisions since then. I have a soft spot for hyper-realism and suffice it to say this is one of my favorite maps on the boards.

I'm a bit late to the beginning of the thread, but I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to share your method for developing the coastlines. Firstly, well done! They're the best coastlines I've seen. They seem much too detailed and natural to be hand-drawn, but they don't look fractal or generated - there's a great variation between smooth, sweeping coast and squiggly rocky areas, and the island chains look like they're straight off a map. The whole thing looks incredibly earthlike and geographically realistic.

This is something I've been struggling with for a while - I've experimented with sampling google maps data, cutting and pasting to make a coastline, but it's incredibly laborious and I worry a local might recognize their beach somewhere! Did you use any real-world geographic data, was Wilbur involved in the coast as well, or did you draw them by hand? I'd understand if you don't want to give away a secret, but I'd love some pointers if possible - thanks!