Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
300,000 would be an enormous city by Middle Ages European standards. Paris and London, I think, were about that size prior to the plague and reached that size again perhaps early in the Renaissance. Some of the cities under the Umayyads and Abbasids exceeded 500,000, but they had a significantly different culture, with a strong middle class that was missing in Christian nations through most of the Middle Ages.
You're absolutely correct. I've researched a little more, and have done some refining (with a special thanks to waldronate for the Medieval Demographics Made Easy link -- I had that page in my bookmarks quite a while ago before losing it, never was able to remember the name). I'm currently putting the entire "nation" of Orthigar at two-million, with the capital city of Sivan holding about 75,000 people, and a standing army of 40,000.

Predictably, another question has come to mind: what's logical for garrisons? If Sivan, walled-city, has 75,000 people, and Orthigar in total has about 40,000 standing soldiers, what would be a logical number to divert into the defense of said city?