Your map seems pretty good but the small size of your picture make it hard to see details. You want to make a satelite version ? I am usure of what you want to improve.
I have been working on my campaing world since 5 years or so too, yes it's a long process.

I like the idea of having two suns but life is only possible under certain conditions if you want to stay realisitc, here for more information Creating an Earthlike Planet (If I where paid to reference him, I think I would be rich soon enough )

About stars : Stellar classification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blue: it could be a (blue) white dwarf, wich mean that it's really hot but cooling rapidly so it would make a huge drop in temprerature on the system over a couple of century only and then become colder and colder. This kind of star would also mean that another star was there before because withe dwarf don't form like main sequece star (like the sun). So you would need anoter star that had previously collapsed. Some way or another, this would have killed all life. But white dwarf, after some time become really stable and can live for billions of yers , it's not known presisly how long. But since they are small (like even smaller than the moon) and because the get colder, life is only possible near the star. So you planet must have formed near the actual star wich is possible but unlikely.

It could be a main sequence blue star but it would be massive and massive star have shorter lives usually less than 1 billion year. That is too short for life to develop. They also thend to be less stable. To say simply the main sequence stars are name that way because it's the it's defined by the initial nuclear reaction. Other categories of star have different nuclear fusion.

I can't be a giant, it's like previous one but worse

For the red one: it can't be a dwarf since red is colder. And again massive stars are out.
So what you want is either a K star: K-type main-sequence star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia wich is in fact orange but the difference from your planet would be impossible to notice. Or a red dwarf, M class (still on the main sequence) Red dwarf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Life with a colder star seems impossible due to some issues. K stars are like the sun but a little smaller and colder, so the plant neeed to be closer. With the M star it's even closer, so close in fact that you planet may be locked, It mean that there would be no night/day cycle and probably no life at all.

To sum up, the best would be to have an old system with a withe dwarf having a k star (or M star) orbiting around it (with the center near the most massive star) or of equal masses so check the first link to make sure the binary systme is stable. Otherwise your planet will get ejected or will enter in collision with one of the star. There is a good star simulator on steam if you are interested : Universe Sandbox Universe Sandbox on Steam

I liked the idea of not just having seasons but cycles too after reading about the causes of the Great Famine of 1315–17 and Game of Thrones with it's irregular seasons. The best thing would be a binary star system I guess. It's a cool idea.