Well, we don't make any claim to ownership of anything you post here; that's not how we roll. I know exactly what you mean as far as being paranoid though; I've had people swipe my maps and try to claim them as their own a couple of times. Unfortunately, that's a consequence of human nature and the internet being what they are. If you post something on the internet, chances are it's gonna happen at least once. Thankfully, we've got a really good group here and a lot of us actively police sites where thieves are likely to post ripped-off stuff.

You can partially alleviate any copyright or theft fears you might have by doing stuff like putting a watermark on your maps, etc. I know for a fact though that none of us community leaders, staff, or owners would ever try to claim a member's maps as their own. I can't speak for the vaster majority of the interwebs; that's part of the risk you take by posting something to the (semi)public for help or critique. You just have to decide if the help you get is worth the possible risks.