Quote Originally Posted by töff View Post
Never heard of a "tiller deck" before but I like the term ... I see you also put poopdeck (I use another name for it). Never heard of a "maid" either, if it means focsle ... I like both terms ... or is that just where the maid sleeps? (You let a WOMAN on board!?). Not crazy for "principle deck" -- I think it's usually called maindeck or "waist." Meh, I need to learn more ship terms.
This is a fantasy vessel (although, naturally, based on real-world 15th century caravels to a large degree); none of the deviations from reality are accidents, I promise

Very nice plans! Nice style. Is it hand-drawn?
I did most of the fragments by hand, but pretty much everything was drawn separately (or salvaged from older/discarded projects), then assembled (and dressed up) in Photoshop.

What's a "slime"?
A beach-ball sized glob of slime. Most of 'em are just as cute as the dickens, too! Even when they're eating your face.

Is this for a storyworld and/or a gameworld?
Yes, it's for "Caravel," a Uresia: Grave of Heaven mini-supplement I published a while back.

It must be a peaceful place, because you have no armaments on this wavefarer.
Interesting theory