Thanks for the pointers. I know my world map doesn't make a lot of sense yet, but it's as you stated, that I just need a general idea of the world and my focus is in the Lands. I'll get around to making the world make more sense eventually, but for the moment I needed a better concept of directional and regional origins of different races of people. After making that map, I decided that the Lands were too far south, and the whole world really too compact. I meant for it to be small, but it is much too short. I meant for the continent/island of the Lands to have drifted from the northern regions which were supposed to be more mountainous. When I redo it, I'm probably going to properly use latitude and longitude lines and make sure that the scaling works better.

The map of the Lands also is lacking scaling entirely. The rivers are way too wide for the scale I'm using, as well as the mountains. But, this is a better version than my first map and considerably better for my history development. When I redo this one, I'm going to probably not use symbols as much, using some of the information and tutorials on here. The mountains are insanely large so I know which are supposed to be big mountain ranges. The continent is supposed to be about 400x500 miles (650x800 km). Clearly not to scale. But I'm slowly working on solidifying positions of things, etc. I've been failing at rivers. I think using a better system for elevation will help with that, instead of symbols and hoping I remember where the highland is.

Thanks for all the tips. I don't know when I'll be redoing the Lands map, but at least now I have a good list of what to work on when I do get to it.