Do to lack of a scanner of any type hand drawn maps are kinda pointless for me to make they always turn into just giant single islands rather then world maps as well.
splitting up the pieces would have been a good idea after the last post I did go in and change things around, completely getting rid of a recognizable Italy/Florida and such which were the only ones I could easily see myself, I'm not going to post the changes up on here yet, at least not until i get some mountains and stuff placed in.
Personally I like a little bit more realism to my maps but tectonics is still kinda beyond my comprehension with all the time scales involved not to mention directions of movement converging/diverging and transform boundaries plus the speeds at which they are moving and all that(I don't actually get so deep into the technical side of it that I'm writing different rates of movement and such, i just say Plate A is moving faster or slower in relation to plate B)

By interior lakes I was more talking about the north-western/middle area of Canada with all those lakes(which is in this map the southern continent) or the rift valley lakes in Africa i guess just calling them lakes would have made more sense.
Anyways thank you input is always useful.