Quote Originally Posted by Thurlor View Post
Been out of the mapping game for a while now (too busy moving house and getting settled into my new location) and this seems like the perfect theme to draw me back.
Welcome back!

A couple of questions regarding the theme;
* As most of the world has already been mapped, must it be remapped or can one use real-world maps for an 'underlay'? An Alternate Earth will have (mostly) the same geography as this Earth and only that which is artificial will differ.
Not sure I understand what you're asking here. Do you mean if you map a portion of the world, can you use a base map to trace off of? Of course! If you could draw a real world map freehand you'd be my hero.
* When can it be set? Altenrnate Past, Present or Future?
Any time at all. Let your imagination run free, young grasshopper.