Quote Originally Posted by Gold View Post
Hello, welcome, good introduction posting your map. Study about rivers, how they flow. You have an upside down river formation going around Scrubhalten. Turn the fork shape of your river the other way. The small branches of the river should come down from the mountains, joining to form a mighty river that proceeds down unbranching to the sea.

Also you might want to learn about map projections, globes, the spherical shape of a planet, if you actually want to design the "world" this is important because it affects how the landmasses are shaped on a flat map. A related question is "what is the scale of the map" and I see you are still considering what the scale should be.

However for a wall map to be printed on canvas, you have a good starting layout, if you are choosing to ignore map projections and the curve of a planet for this project. Good luck and I look forward to seeing more of your map(s).
Thanks fo rthe feedback! Do you have any "quick and dirty" resources about river flow? I get what you're saying, I think, but I'm curious as to why the forks are considered upside down.