anomiecoalition, thanks very much! I'm very glad you like my mapping freebies and battlemaps. I've got a new map I'll be releasing soon (just need to get all the promo work finished before I can upload it), which is my first attempt at a building interior (other than the couple dungeons/sewers I've done previously). It's a tower room that's a nexus of teleportation portals. Had a bit of a tough time with it (natural outdoor settings are much easier for me) but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

I'm glad you like the carved roads. I had given some thought to using dotted lines for the roads (or at least, for some of the little side roads and paths), but some of the terrain textures I'm using are very dark and "busy", and I was worried that they might not show up too well, especially if I end up going with this carved look. Rivers and such are also something I've been thinking about. The bodies of water that I have so far are all part of the textures I've used. The desert zone has a lake. The swampy/plains zone has some swamp, a huge lake with rivers, and some smaller pools. And the desert zone has pools and rivers of lava. I had thought about trying to draw some rivers and such myself (because there are some areas that seem to be a bit lacking in lakes/ponds/rivers/streams/etc), but they'd probably end up looking a bit they don't really match the style of the "texture" bodies of water. I find it really easy to manipulate textures, but when it comes to hand painting/drawing, I have very little experience and minimal skills. So I'll probably just stick with textures. Easier for me, and it'll keep everything looking more consistent.