Straight age-of-steam is technology (and society, etc) as per Earthly history. So that's not distinctively steamPUNK, wherein one has out-of-sequence development beyond Earth's (Europe's) Victorian norm. Say, steam powered.... spaceflight. Railways... across seafloors. Brass-and-copper... submarines. Napoleonic warfare... with clockwork tanks and steam-powered dirigibles dropping napalm. Oh, excuse me- greek fire. Mad scientists' labs... powered by lightning accumulators. So it's the incongruous elements that punk the whole.

Maps of such a situation could look like medieval hand-drawn artwork to A-Z standard modern highway maps... not much do do with the map technology or the state of society shows on the map style. Phooey - I bet that has cramped potential entrants' imagination.

But if the map has enough additional material to tell a story, and that story has aetheric rayguns, gold-plated imperial railway locomotives, zeppelins behind every cloud, and brass goggles pushed up to foreheads under bowler hats atop clockwork golems... that could be acceptably steampunk. Stereotypically alternate Victorian realms belong on Victorian aesthetic maps... which implies such rococo complexity, engraved-curlicue detailing, and all around copperplate vibe that once again the task is appealing but daunting. Ain't nobody got time for that. Well, not me; not this month. :-(

So I would have to sell a simple style, that by its *subject* yells (whispers?) "steampunk" clearly enough to match the contest specs. Oh-kaaaaaaay. Storytelling here I come.