Bonjour, męme si j'aime la lagune de Moličre, je vais répondre en anglais pour que les autres puissent aussi comprendre

Viking is right about the rivers, at some places, your landmass look like some island because it's cut off from the continent by a river. In le Royaume des milles-baničres for example.
Another thing, the north look like you added a layer on top of it but you misplaced it. Some mountains and textures where cut in a straight line. See Le Massif Ashtarii.
Your labels need to be more consistent so they can be easier to read. check this out :
To sum up, avoid the overlap with other elements such as mountains or at least put something under in order to make the font stand out, like this High Marches Regional by ~Levodoom on deviantART
Aslo, you should avoid splitting names, unless they are very close. You could consider putting more space between your characters to fill the space but most map don't feel the need to fill all the space.

I guess the transition in the ocean is not yet finished everywhere,but it's a good start.

What software are you using for mapping?