emarde, don't get me wrong...there is definitely a place for professional input, as a browse of some of the threads will show, but also remember that most of us are here for the hobby. I must also add that some of us really do not care about "reality" as long as it at least LOOKS like it could work. And there are others that go into as much detail in the construction of the features as they can reasonably get without actually having real data to work with (with some actually using real earth DEMs). Here at the Guild, neither method is considered better than the other, as long as there is some sort of logic behind what is portrayed.

If you see something that is really "wrong" please speak up, and letting us know WHY it is wrong would be greatly appreciated. That is not to say that the advice will always be followed as there might be a reason for things being the way they are (magic or the workings of Man, Elf, Dwarf, ect.) but the advice would be welcome in any case.