woah! I completely forgot to look through this section. Thanks for doing one of my cities Torq! I'll type up my stuff in a bit, I've been thinking for a while, but haven't really put anything to paper. I looked over the map, but don't worry if whatever I say doesn't work with it, my fault for being late.

Tirylus is an Orvaelos border city, beside Bruskos. It's quite far from other big settlements, so it probably has to have everything to exist that far out. It has its own garrison as well. I kind of thought that it would use the southern river as a natural wall, but since you've already gone over both banks it doesn't matter. 2 major roads, one going east following along the river, to a castle, the other west over the river to the capital city. I'm kind of thinking of giving my region a more ancient chinese dynasty theme, but still thinking about other ideas. Also, probably quite a bit of farmland east of the city. The area south and a bit southwest of the city is covered with gnoll warbands, and possibly orcs. *cough* sadly no name for the region...

Hopefully you can read through that mess of ideas I just spewed out. You don't have to follow it that closely, it will be your map after all. If you have other questions I'll answer them now that I know about the thread I've also added an update of my map (i finally did those roads) in my thread.