I think the map has improved a lot (if I compare it with the first drawing that is), the colors are nice, but perhaps I can add some comments on the design in particular.

1) Mostly Elven villages are build around some big natural object, like a big old oak tree, or a water element. Around that object is a central square and from there on the village expands itself. Now it just happends to be around a main road, perhaps it's possible to think about that. If the harbor is very important then the city should have it's front to that side and the boulevard should not be green.

2) there are a lot of small roads that end in nothing, perhaps these roads end in small squares and on the squares are some shops or something like that. I think it's nice that these squares will have another texture or color then the green. Or perhaps these small roads will make a small labyrinth or something like that. Dead ends are real killers in a Urban plan ( http://shrani.si/f/2K/eO/4hNOTHPs/town-dion.jpg )

3) as said before the harbor is quite statick and perhaps a bit out of scale, also to protect the boats from waves and to make the city protected, most of the time the harbor is inside something, in bay by example ( http://lyberty.com/wow/locations/menethil_harbor.jpg ) Perhaps it's even possible to make the big building (on the eastern point) part of the harbor?

I hope my comments are usefull, keep up the good work.