This looks like a fun adventure. I wish I were in your group :-).

Did you make tokens for the switches and bends in the track?

Some minor complaints. On the far east, the only section of the track that goes that side of the map, it doesn't go off the edge. Unless you're supposed to fall of there?

Shadows. Your shadows don't make sense, at least from a light source that's coming from under the tracks. The tracks are suspended, at least that's what I think when I look at it. If the light is coming from under the tracks, the tracks should still be dark, but underneath them it should be light from the source. I'm pretty sure that's how shadows work... no flashlight to try it out here. :-/

If the light sources were supposed to be above the track, then the shadows in the top left should lead off the map.

Nothing else that I can see :-).