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Thread: Map images when using Zoom and Pan features

  1. #1

    Default Map images when using Zoom and Pan features


    I'm interested in creating an interactive map on the web that will allow users to select layers of information that will populate on the map. I would also like the map to have zoom and pan capabilities. My confusion lies in trying to understand how the zoom function is programmed.

    How many different images of the "oblique" map (the map image that does not change) would I need to create/host on a WMS to have a satellite view and a town view? 2? I want to make sure that I have the appropriate artwork before moving forward with programming.

    Thank you,


  2. #2


    Hey, and welcome!

    I have no programming knowledge to speak of, but I do know there are a couple of websites that offer interactive map viewing. I think MashupForge is one of the more known ones. Markers, layers, lines, shapes, etc. And zooming and panning! Maybe that's enough for what you need?

  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    You could use the Google map api to create custom map. I tried once but I don't remember how to do it.

    How it works: It take images from the document at different scales. You will only have 1 image at the smallest scale and as it zoom in you will have more images at bigger scale. Each zoom level may have more than one image.
    So in fact you are not zooming or scroling , your are looking at a different image. But the effect is the same.

    That's basic, but I don't knowe if you can add other layers.

    And welcome to the Guild!
    Last edited by Azélor; 09-11-2013 at 08:28 PM.

  4. #4


    Thank you for the replies. Azelor, I would like to work outside of Google API, and use d3 or OpenLayers, but your insight is helpful: The zooming effect is simply new images loading on the screen, therefore I would need that many different images.

    Thank you again. This place rocks.


  5. #5
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anewlevel0419 View Post
    I'm interested in creating an interactive map on the web that will allow users to select layers of information that will populate on the map. I would also like the map to have zoom and pan capabilities. My confusion lies in trying to understand how the zoom function is programmed.

    How many different images of the "oblique" map (the map image that does not change) would I need to create/host on a WMS to have a satellite view and a town view? 2? I want to make sure that I have the appropriate artwork before moving forward with programming.
    I've never heard "oblique" used that way. Do you mean the "base map", the map displayed at the bottom of the stack of layers as a reference for the "overlay" layers?

    Zoom, Pan, Layer switching etc is all taken care of by a slippy map library like OpenLayers or Leaflet. You point it at the WMS layers and do a bit of configuration. There isn't any real programming to do unless you want to do something fancy.

    Switching out between pre-rendered maps depending on scale could be done a few ways. I'd go with setting it up on the server side, but that's because that's what I'm more familiar with. If using GeoServer I'd use scale dependant styles to turn them on and off, and a layer group to combine them. It could also be done in the slippy map client, but I don't know as much about that side of things.

  6. #6


    Correct, base map, and thank you. As far as design, is a two view map even cool? I'm trying to create a map that shows the land mass from a distance and then one more zoom level that shows a generic town layout with buildings. Any input is helpful.

  7. #7
    Guild Novice
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    sorry for cross posting about this topic, but I found some nice tools recently. You can have a look at my answer here:

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