Hello, welcome! I really enjoy this type of city map. Clean but not without character! Some points:
- To me it isn't clear what the line at the right is. I assume it's a river? Could be a border. Seems to be labeled as a necropolis?
- I'd get rid of the 'blobby' texture in the buildings. Like this they look like sand dunes to me, and I assume that's not the intention.
- It might be a bit more realistic to keep a couple of 'main roads' in mind: fairly straight, slightly larger roads around which the city grew which often connect major points. For instance, imagine a trader with a cart having to manouver his way from the gates to the market square now...
- Speaking of roads, maybe map the roads outside the city gates, too? And is there only one entrance?

Definitely good work for a first map, looking forward to seeing more!