Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have to admit that I was quite surprised when I found this page in the web.
I had not expected an active, well managed forum dedicated to map makers, especially if you consider how few information about that topic is found elsewhere on the net. Good job.
The arrangement of enabling private messages only after five posts is a bit sad, but still much better than attracting spam bots all over the place.

I found this forum on the search for a mapmaking software, to aid myself a little in the roleplay and tabletop campaigns of our little group of friends.
We're playing mostly DSA, Shadowrun and Warhammer, but every so often we glance away into other systems as well.
I cannot draw at all though -more the case of 'violation of paper'- and it did not went much better with my few attempts at Gimp.
Therefore, I thought about the CC3 program for a while, but in the end I figured that I won't need new, different maps that often.
So maybe it will be easier, better and much less stressful to pay someone for a map or two, who actually knows what they are doing.
So, why don't give it a try?