Such a wonderful project. I'm really impressed with how much thought you guys have put into the development of each facet of the map, from calligraphy to colour to its presentation etc. The mixing of styles is really nice, incorporating many of the strengths of each style to make it unique. I love those little puffs of smoke erupting from the mountains (if my eyes deceive me, the mountain smoke above Odawara looks like a simpsons-style girl kissing ).

IMHO, I think the larger places would look better with some kind of symbol associated with it, either above or below the calligraphy boxes. Perhaps a small triangle coming out of the box to point to its location? Otherwise it looks like it's for a province or region (will you include those as well?).

On a tangential note: I'm really interested in 14th-16th century Japan but have come short on finding detailed maps on each of the old provinces that existed then and their respective ownership/occupation. If I ever get the time or find the right person interested in such a large task, I'd really like to see an approximate year (or monthly) account of the wars that occurred then and the movement of clan troops & supplies across and within provinces in a modern Japan map. I've found a couple decent maps on a macrolevel with all the main locations identified but nothing scaled down to specific regions. I realise a lot of that information for that period is difficult to find let alone believe its authenticity (or hasn't been translated yet!) but it's a curiosity I've had for a while. =/ I was wondering if you had come across anything like that in your own research or can point me to a few places that has that information? Happy to continue this via PM so as not to derail your thread.