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Thread: Any tool for projection conversions?

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  1. #1

    Default Any tool for projection conversions?

    I like to draw my maps on paper. Something about the paper and pencil just makes my imagination work better. Also, the ease of transportation means I pretty much have to use paper to draw my maps, as I don't own a tablet.

    On the other hand, I would like to have a vector image as an repository of all the info I have deviced on my maps. Vectors are best for this, compared to raster e.g., that they can contain relatively large amounts information within small files and the zoomability is also a boon.

    Now I have great problems trying to figure out how to do projection conversions between a hand drawn map and the vector map. What I would wan't to do is to draw the hand drawn map in a "small region projection", e.g. lambert's conformal conic, and then convert the lines on the hand drawn map to vectors and then the these vectors to a "whole world projection", eg. equal area or mercator.

    The problem is that I can't for the life of me find a program that can do this. G.projector is a no go as it can only start with a equal area projection.

    Anyone know of a tool that would do this, or do I have to use a Gis for this? I don't have too much free time to play with Gis (3&1 year old kids), so I wouldn't want to have to resort to them without a real necessity.

  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    I use my ancient ReprojectImage toy ( - Windows only) to push things from various projections to Equirectangular.

    Hugin has been mentioned as a way to move thigns from one projeciton to another, but I haven't used it.

    I would think that you should be able to use GDAL or QGIS or any number of GIS tool sets to do this. In my opinion, though, those tools are a little peculiar in mindset - not surprising considering their purpose, though.

    Try searching here at the guild for "ReprojectImage" and you should discover threads similar to this one.

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