Hi Ilanthar,

Thanks for commenting. Yes, it was a time eater, but looking back, I did much of this upstairs in the Kitchen as I had two baby girls in diapers to look after and between feedings, while my wife was at work, I'd pick away at this map and make notes on the areas of interest that are now contained in the book. The Regions east, west, north and north east are also mapped out, but only the shattered region to the east is sculpted and ready for the text. It will be awhile before we tackle another gazetteer, however, as they are intense and the factions intertwined.

Still, the medium I used, Crayola Model Magic, is fantastic stuff and I'm buying a big tub of it for each of my young nephews. Highly recommend it for kids of all ages, and grown ups who can use it to base their warhammer figs!
