Well, I was actually going to post a thread with my map last night, but the file is too big to upload to imageshack, which is how I normally post pictures on forums, and I attached the file here but every time it brought up that little window it would take awhile loading and then the file wouldn't attach (at least it didn't show that it had attached). So I don't know, really. The original file is a .dip, but I converted it over to a .bmp cuz those seem to be more friendly on the internet, but the size seems to be a problem (it's a VERY large image). I ripped the blank mollweide projection that I'm using off of alternatehistory.com, where it was used for the Collaborative World Project, but if the file is too big for me to upload to imageshack, I really wonder how they were able to get it on the website at all over there. Any suggestions? Cuz I really do want to upload it so I can get some feedback and such, although at the moment it's just the continental layout...