Firstly, dude is a gender-neutral word, as explained in the third paragraph here.

Secondly, and more seriously, that's a really good first map! You've got great colors and textures, an interesting land shape, and some quite interesting place names. There are some things you could keep in mind if you make the revision though.
The rivers I'm afraid make no sense at all There's a great thread about rivers in the tutorial section that helped me and lots of others with understanding how water flows. I do like how you've drawn them though.
With the mountains, I don't quite think the perspective comes across. There's too much of the far side visible. The lines are also too thin compared to the rest of the map. A good exercise (that I've done) could be to look at photos of real mountain ranges and draw them simplified. Keep the shadows in mind to give them a 3-dimensional feel.
Lastly, I think you are using too many fonts. And too many font effects. Keeping it very, very simple is the best way to go here, in my opinion. Using bold and italic variants, and also different sizes, of one font gives clarity but keeps coherence. Sans-serif fonts look very modern. Pure black and white looks out-of-place in a map with the lovely subtle colors of yours.

I hope any of that might be helpful! It is a great start though, and it deserves some rep (the green little boxes below your name that shows how much we like you )