Oh, no... my mental landscape doesn't change much. My world is very real to me - I can't just add things whenever I want... I'm in a whole different universe! I mean, sometimes they have floods, or quakes, but ...

My real problem is I see Naos through the eyes of my characters - So, since they haven't even explored the whole planet yet, much less developed any sort of air travel, I can't picture the place in a top-down view, like a typical map.

I fancy myself a decent-ish artist, but these map things are troubling. I even considered paying someone to do my maps instead, but I don't want them messing up my world

As eccentric as that is, we could still pretend it was a quirk, and not actual lunacy, if Naos was the only world I had, like this. But I've fully built 23 worlds *in my head*. Sometimes I don't know what planet I'm on...

And yes, it has a very distinctive "old boys' club" sort of feel, here. Good to know I'm not the only female, on top of being a newbie :p

(I'm teasing, though, everyone's been perfectly well-behaved).

Anyway, I'm determined to get this mapping thing down right, so ya'll are stuck with me for a while, lol.

PS: That's a very pretty country! The name Nirahen made me laugh, because I have a country called Narahyn :p

("Na" on Naos means big, when added to another syllable with an "a" sound. Na-ra is a big place, Na-va is a "big ruler"... like a king or emperor, "Na-ka" applies to various creatures.... And "Hyn" is uh... there's no word in english... closest would be like, "undesirable".

So Narahyn is the vast wasteland. Not that you wanted a language lesson... )