Hey ther Caenwyr! Great map, very complete with the mini maps, regions, shield and etc! I specially love the landmass, the isles and everything are all well draw. Since I`m a graphic designer I`ll give some layout tips for this maps, something that you can apply for your next maps!

1. The space between the shields, texts and the borders is too narrow, this creates a claustrophobic feel to the text! Make the space between the text and borders wider in order to get a nicer feel to the map!
2. I think its mentioned before that some elements of the map seems blury, like you raised their size inside the software you using. It detracts a bit from the overall nice feeling of the map.
3. The color of the stroke of the rivers are different from the coasts and lakes! IMHO the color of the rivers are more natural than the black stroke of the coast and lakes.
4. I see that you are using the same font for almost everything! For labelling this font works well, but when used on great blocks of text it gets repetitive! Consider changing the font from the left box (with the shields and text), one that is more pleasant to read!
5. I might be wrong, but I think you resized the texture to fit the whole map, right? That makes the texture blurry, try to get a different texture, or depending on the software you use, replicate the textures so that they are not stretched!

Sorry If I said too much! I think the map is awesome, it justs needs some tweeks to be perfect!