It depends on many factors. First of all it is a great start. Towns / villages / cities are a dynamic creature. If they do not grow and change they will die. For an adventure this is not a bad thing; however, I do not think you want that for this project.

Depending on how the town /village / city is and why it was created can determine the shape and how it grows. Let me give you a few examples.

Washington D.C. was designed to intimidate foreign dignitaries when they arrived on the docks; however, at the same time it needed to allow a flow of civilian and military traffic quick access throughout the city. This dictated how the spoke and wheel was employed for traffic and the intimidating but beautiful docks were created. From there the city grew.

Anchorage Alaska, after the major earthquake in the 20th century it was redesigned to make it easier for the population to move throughout the city. It was rebuilt in a grid section with rules of what size and type of buildings could go where.

London and to an extent Paris are examples of it seamed like a good idea at the time, the older versions of the cities. What was needed or wanted was placed where there was available land and or resources. The same can be said for a great many old cities. Even New York when it was first developed was the same way and in areas now it is the same.

As for your map, if you have a reason why it is so neat and planned out that is great. You might want to add some randomness in the size of the buildings. Also you might want to make sure there is green space in the center of the city. The ruler (mayor, noble lord, company CEO) might want to walk in a park or a park of their own. In the Foundation Series Isaac Asimov the known universe capital planet had 100 square miles of green space for the leader of the known universe.

Is there a primary material that the city makes and or grows for export or are there many items they can trade?
Is there a Grand Market? Depending on the size of the city there will be several markets and types of markets. A grand market will allow wheres from foreign cities and lands to be exchanged.
Your town / city is on the water, this makes the docks and harbors important to trade and life to the city / town. Harbors, ports, and docks can be its "own" town within a town or city. I do not see any harbor or port facilities. You probably have not gotten there yet.

These are just some thoughts. I have hoped they have helped. You have a good start.