"Rikmalor Humir" Bravo! Due to the very low level of inflection adjectives will always precede the nouns.

"Did you actually transcribe all 50k words?". God no! I barely have time to eat properly, that would take me ages. I download lists of thousands of words on many languages from this site. The software works like this: given a list of words, it registers the frequency of every letter to appear on the beginning, end and middle of a word, the relative vowel to consonant ratio and the frequency of every pair and trio of letters.
Take this list of words:
babaca, cababa, abaca, baba, bac

This is the rule the software devises from that:

b: beginning 61% middle 50% end 0%
followed by:
a: 100%
b: 0%
c: 0%

... and so on.

Then the software saves that rule file, and I can load it to generate words that follow that pattern, with that rule I got: cacaba, baca, caca, bacababa, babaca... I like using it because it have no creativity at all to create words, and they all end up looking like the languages I speak. So when I told about the languages mixture that I used, I was talking about mixing the rules, so my language sounds nordic, but with a little bit of english and spanish to make it more exotic.

I know VERY little about linguistics too, I'm pretty sure that what I've done is all wrong

I like very much the way you develop your conlang! I tend to rush it and devise the words mostly as I need them. Your approach on the other hand starts with the words that are more likely to be used by a primitive people, and build it up from there, this way your conlang seems much more consistent. I'll take a few steps back on mine and try to evolve it more naturally!

Although it does seem to take a lot of time, it seems well worth it, I like your conlang very much! Please keep me updated on its development and post the alphabet when you have a chance =)