I'm no linguist either - (though I'd like to be, lol).

"thought about the way in which letters could have developed as to be easy written with simple instruments." That's all I use really, simple common sense, and looking around at other languages.

240 words, an alphabet, and even a sense of grammar is lovely. (Especially since you were in high school!) Languages don't develop overnight. A complete language takes generations, and never stops evolving.

Even if a few of your names break some rules, well, there are exceptions in any language.

I think the *biggest* pitfall for writers is using too *much* of their language in their books - we're writing for people to read, so it must be understandable, lol.

I'm very interested in how people begin and what they use for inspiration... I've seen people name everything - write whole speeches in a conlang... and then make up what it means and why (which seems difficult to me), and I always start at the beginning...

I also like reading them and seeing if I can puzzle out the words/rules, lol.

What do you like about con-languages?