I'm already dumping the grass texture at this point, I do have three shades of green still for elevation, but that's just for working. I'm also about to move a chunk of a wall.

The metropolis expanded up the cliffs as a lord became a king, and then as his descendant became an emperor. The ruling family is a little cracked so each built a bigger castle/palace as their domain expanded (hence the larger compounds on the higher shelves despite sanity to go the other direction).

I am developing the city and the map at the same time, so some its totally scatterbrained at the moment. I know I need a quarry for all the rock for the wall and palaces (not on the map yet, but in the sections walled off. I'm actually thinking now about having the quarry be the reason for the original settlement, so now I'm looking at how to shift things around to make it fit (thinking the middle elevation western, and moving a lot of the two lower sections east to make space.)

It's definitely a big enough city to have districts. I need to read a little more about where what would be in some situations. (Slums and such would definitely be on the bottom, as its the oldest part of the city, but would the newer construction have a slum? Which trades would move into the expansion and which would stay in oldtown, etc).

I also get to look at quarry maps now. I'm looking at a few satellite images on google maps, but has anyone seen a rock quarry go by here to point me at?