Yeah, when I'm on school break I really loose track of time, its more like a month actually, lol.

Thanks, very rich information, I will add a floor or two in the main tower to accommodate all those people

Yeah, sorry those labels are just notes to myself, so I don't forget what I want to draw there later. Just in case you where curious, portuguese/english translation:

cavalo - horse
feno - hay
manjedoura - *no idea how to translate this*
canal - canal
horta - vegetable and herbs garden for cooking
jardim - decorative garden
galinhas andando - chickens walking

Well noted about the stair, will fix that once I get to the tower.

About the gate, the structure to the right of the tower is a gate house and has a big gate, like this one

The black round thing is a person to give me scale, it will be gone after I finish drawing.

Thanks for the thorough review! =)