Thanks Diamond,

I'm just figuring out the river thing now! As far as the text goes, I just meant that some of the titles for cities (not including the capitols which are purposefully larger for obvious reasons) are larger than others which would wrongly imply their greater status.

... I'll go back fix Astavia's title too!

Anyways, thanks for the praise/criticism I really appreciate it, as for your guess on the climate of the region, cold is right, although in my mind its a bit of a gradient: Astavia being equal to real world France or Spain and the Vampire Lords area being wintry. As far as any internal worldbuilding i've done, i've decided the actual stronghold of the vampires is a rather castlevania-esque fortress locating in the forest at the top of the map which I intended to be arctic in nature.

After I make some minor fixes, I think i'll call this one finished and maybe take a swing at a larger/zoomed-out regional/continental map (maybe in the same setting) or an isometric-y kind of town/castle