Jalyha, that depends on the size of the place people live in - which is why I asked, because to me, this looks like a rather small place.
But also, in fantasy world building especially when you have different species than humans, you just never know what a "tribe" really is - is it a smaller group of people like you assumed in your example of native american nations or is it just a term to distinguish between various groups of species? Because the next bigger group of a tribe doesn't necessarily have to be a nation - nation is a political category, species a biological and sometimes it gets difficult to find words to describe all the different identities and categorizations for the groups you can have in a fantasy world.

And then add to that the very different perceptions of space those species could have - and it doesn't even have to be a biological difference (which might be a lot more extreme), but just imagine the difference in perception of space between a single group of nomads (small group, need a lot of space) and the german nation before Germany was even founded (hundreds of kingdoms and duchies and so, so many people in them, but confined to an area that's actually not that big) …

Ok so to stop this before I talk too much (yeah already too late, I know ) what I wanted to say is: you never really know, and that is why I was asking
And Irma basically did say they do not have enough room on that continent - cause if they did they wouldn't need to fight. And desiring your species, tribes, groups and nations to fight is a desire I can definitely understand! (Although there can be other reasons for war than the need for space but lets not get into that here)

Apart from all this, Irma, I never felt the Netherlands were too small for mountains, you guys were just kinda left out when they were distributed... Doesn't change the fact that your country is beautiful!

Oh and I really like the Wormsel, too! It actually looks rather cute with its enormous eye, but I guess its not a very cute creature when you meet it?
The dragon also looks great, especially the head - very nice work