Mammoth looks really great

Only constructive criticism I would say is consider your light sources more as your shadows are a bit all over the shop. It's clear you've used some form of single directional drop down shadow (dont know the software so I only have Photoshop to go off) so for example on the fire you have shadows on the rocks on the inside of the firepit, where all the shadows should be cast outwards away from the fire. Not sure whether Xara has similar features to Photoshop, but when putting a drop down shadow in PS you can uncheck the "use global lighting" so that each item can have it's shadow going in different directions (useful if your lightsource is at the center of the map or you have multiple sources).

Also check the size of your spears in pic 2, in comparison to your other items (animal skin rug, tools on the rug, campfire) they seem to be pretty big (though with no scale I'm not sure whether they're really big or everything else is really small).

Other than that, as far as a battlemap goes, it's a pretty good layout and packed with features that would make any battle here interesting, so it definitely work for the purpose.