1) Nope just clarifying the "rules"

2) Okay, I don't want to get into anything too personal here, but... I've recently had a... complication, which makes artistic endeavors more... complicated (which in a long round about way is how I ended up turning to my writing and then mapping). After I found the forums, I thought mapping would be much easier, because of the way you sit when you hold a mouse/tablet/whatever is way different than painting. But there are times when I still can't do the things I am used to.. and it's even harder because I don't have a tablet, and I don't know the program. SO.. I didn't know what to do but then I realized I think you can do bits of your maps with the brushes/textures, right? So if I was finding it difficult to paint an entire forest, but I had like... 40 trees for a brush to cycle through? Then I could do that for as many forests as necessary, right?

Or have a basic "ocean texture" that I could just edit as needed?

I have to be really clear on this, cause with most art forms, you can't just.. do that.

Anyway, so not to like, mass produce/make them all the same, but when it's too difficult to do it normally, so I don't have to stop working, if I needed to use them sometimes, that's acceptable in the general mapping community?