Excellent map! Amazing rivers especially, I love how squiggly they are and how they really look like they've carved deep valleys in the landscape. Very well done

As for the cities, I have to disagree with the rest and say number 4. It's a brilliant idea. I really like a well made satellite map, but I almost always feel the icons look out of place. Those pins are the first I've seen that really matches. The others are nice too, but number 4 is unique and totally perfect for this style, IMO.

That said, I don't think the frame and cartouche match the map equally well. Something simpler, cleaner and more modern would fit better. I know you want to tie it in with the setting by using that parchment piece and the cracked border, and I do like some good contrast and dissonance in pictures… but in my opinion it gets too strong here. It is possible to choose a modern graphical profile even if the setting is medieval-ish.