Thank you much for the feedback. I'm wishing now I hadn't made it so small - the tutorial called for 512x512 and I just followed that, but the more I want to play with it the more I'm realizing the limitations of such a small size.

I agree with you that the landmass needs more rivers. That was one problem I had with the tutorial - my rivers came out too thick for my tastes and also "faded" at both ends. That is, the river was getting smaller both at the source and the mouth, which obviously doesn't work. I never could figure out why, so I may have to explore some alternative river-making strategies. (The tut calls for a pen-made path that is then stroked with a brush with a fade effect applied, but I can see that there are other methods out there.)

I probably want my high-elevations to be a bit easier to see so I can put additional rivers in accurate locations.

I may indeed take a crack at putting a scale on there. My idea is that this is a small-sized continent, maybe equivalent to Australia (at the largest) with the other larger islands being New Guinea or New Zealand sized. I think it would be a good exercise for me to plop a scale and compass on there.

I agree with you about the purple. I wanted two colors, one for geographic features and one for nations, but I'm not married to the bright purple!

Thanks for the sage advice.