I like the color scheme of the map, the latter version, in my opinion, being better than the first.
Now the things that leaves me more puzzled at the time: first, the shape of the continents: it seems extremely unnatural; unless there’s a specific reason for that shape, of course.
That said, I see a “N” and a “S” on the map. Do they represent north and south? And is this an entire emisphere of a world, as it would appear from the circular shape surrounding what looks like the continents and ocean? That’s not clear, given also the scale (only 30 miles?) that’s indicating that from an end of this world, to the other end, there’s approximately only a 150 miles distance. Features consistency and cleanliness are fundamental especially when depicting an elaborate and complex world like the one you whant to showcase, so do not be afraid to abound with details and explanations to put in the map so that readability is not hindered or misunderstood.
As for the colour blending of the various physical features of the world I think you’re doing a good job; don’t forget to put some river\lakes in; as you’re showing forests, mountains etc, you should also draw the hydrography of your world.