Hey Meek,

Louisville is my home town! man do i miss it... Anyway Im liking your map so far over all. it seems to be conveying the dark horror feeling. One thing I would do though is turn the contrast down slightly on the paper. It's a bit distracting from the data on the map IMO.

Another tactic you can use to give it a hand drawn feel is to emulate ink bleeding and fading. There are a few ways to do this and im not sure the exact steps you would take in Gimp, but one general way is to duplicate the layer and give the duplication a 1-5 pixel blur (depending on the size of the canvas) and then playing with the opacity. It will show up much better on a more evenly contrasted background.

I also like playing with the color burn layer type for all the hand drawn elements, but again im not sure how it works in Gimp.