Well, I've never thought about this before

Is there a place that really old/unused threads go, like an archive,
or does what you post remain permanently on the site? I can see
where the site would get bigger and perhaps harder to keep clean
if we had all sorts of spam posting. Luckily, I don't think we have
much of an issue, as this is an art/map forum rather than a game
forum. However, we have good moderators and not a lot of spam.

Perhaps a good way to evaluate something before starting a
thread is thinking about whether or not it could help you or others.
Cause that, i think, is really the goal of this all. I'm really happy
this thread got published, for example. I suppose it's more important
that everyone enjoys and learns from the thread then it is to keep
everything neat and clean.

That said, I think we have good organization here and that goes a
long way to keeping everything findable.