This is looking really good, Carbus, and I've always liked Nordic mythology, so the theme is great too.

It is rather hard, however, to know where you are planning on taking this map from here. What else do you plan on doing with it?

As for more constructive criticism:
--I like the forests, although they don't look too obviously like forests, at the moment

--the various icons you've used don't seem to show up too well at the size you've posted above. They look like photographic images of Nordic stave churches. In my opinion, it might look better if you went with a more abstract or runic style of icon.

--is there a reason you've used two styles of mountain? The silhouette mountains you developed for a previous map don't (in my opinion) suit this style as well, whereas the other set you use here look incredibly good.

--also on the mountains, I'm not so keen on the isolated hills/mountains that are scattered around the place. Again, it would be good to know what you are planning.

--lastly, I assume the islands around Magr Jot are meant to look craggy and rugged? If my assumption is correct, I think you might need to mix up the size and spacing of the islands more. If my assumption is wrong, don't worry about it.

I hope none of that sounded too harsh (and I presume you were inviting feedback, at this stage). As I said above, this is looking good, and I think it also has the potential too look really great.