Some very good entries this month, and a real shame some were unfinished. I broke my usual 1-vote policy to give it to the Sheriff's office, Madcowchef's cistern (there's a phrase that can't come up to often), and fabio's Fortified Assembly.

To give a bit more information on my voting:
--the style of map depicted by KenG and Madcowchef doesn't really appeal to me that much, but I rewarded them for their completeness and detail.
--Fabio's entry is probably closest to my preferred style, but somehow the map seems to lack the detail that the above two possess. It is very well made, however.
--Stopa's Ministry of Magic had such promise, but without labels or additional detail, I'm afraid I couldn't give it a vote.
--the Branch Library was a clever idea, but clearly unfinished.
--lastly, I think it is a real shame that the Mythical Creatures Accreditation Office isn't available for voting. For the originality of concept, quality/style of the artwork, and Egyptological detail, it is my favourite out of all entries this month.