Quote Originally Posted by jkat718 View Post
I'm a little confused. For the uppermost building, shouldn't the larger section be on the right, and the smaller on the left? That's how the roof is...

EDIT: Nevermind, I see the overhang.
That's actually a good point though - that roof overhang would likely need to be supported by something. There should be at least one wooden post outdoors under the overhang in the first-floor view.

Can you post a version including your square grid laid over it? I'm assuming you're going with the standard 1':5". In that case I think your crop rows are too short. Someone who farms for a living (meaning he or she can support the family and still have surplus to barter for tools, milling services, textiles, etc.) would have crop rows longer than the 10-20' yours seem to be.

Don't be too hard on yourself though - it's a really nice map for someone working with basic tools.