Oh no, you're not annoying me at all. I'm glad you enjoy being able to help, as I don't wish to be a nuisance with my questions and generally low level of comprehension.

I figured most of the movement in a supercontinent breaking up would come from rifting continental plates rather than oceanic crust creation. I do see what you mean about plate 9, though; it occurred to me afterward that I should have added a strong divergent boundary on that side of the ocean. Would you recommend that I change the motion of plates 1 and 11 and make the 1/9 and 11/9 boundaries divergent? That would give me an extensive length for oceanic crust creation, whose shape I would modify.

The convergent boundary at 1 and 2 was suggested to me by the way the map looked in G.Projector; but that angle is a bit difficult to read one way or another. Based on the general motion of the plates, I see that divergent is more logical.

As far as the north boundary of plate 12, the idea was that 4 was moving faster than 12 and subducting it… unless the relative motion of 4 and 12 would actually take them away from one another. The 14/12 boundary would then also be divergent.

I'll do some redrawing and get back to you.