Okay, my 'monsters' don't do paper maps, so this will be in their methodology.
### Latest WIP ###

...well that's awkward. Our human-centric CG upload doesn't want to accept an audio 'map'.... Fine. The rendition so conveniently archived by Wikimedia Commons should be there roughly forever. Go hear OO'loiuuu'onOoO'ia's directions.

That's in middle cetacean (humpback dialect) (only the first bit is navigational - the repetitive last part is an advert for ShinyStripes Pilotfish Cleaning Service)

Anyone who has paid attention to my postings knows I don't take myself over seriously - so this is a 'real' entry with as many layers of quotation marks as you like... zero to dozens. I'm composing this map-as-it-were using other folks' "symbology" so other than the attached narrative it my not have as much originality as you think a contest deserves. If you figure it's interesting but not original enough to win, then don't vote for it :-). I shan't be the least bit dismayed.