Hey everyone *tips hat*

One of my friends referred me to this place. I stopped by a few times, ogling all the eye candy - and have gotten super excited about this community.

I'm a comic artist/animator/illustrator and I've gotten an interest in cartography after doing a lot of worldbuilding for my webcomic Spindrift, and after being commissioned to make a map to accompany Charlotte E. English's Draykon trilogy. I was very much a noobler at making maps at that point, having dabbled in the art only a few times without any hindrance of intent, experience or knowledge . Not that I'm much good at it now (after having made a few more charts) but I find that I'm deeply enjoying the craft and and I thought this might be a good place to show my face (and maps) every now and then .

Besides all artsy stuff I like snowboarding, playing games (board/card, video games, and tabletop rpg's), reading and traveling. And cats.

If you like to see some of my work, here's my dA page (it also has a few of my maps on there, although I'll post them here too if I get around to it) ElsaKroese (-) on deviantART
I also have a tumblr if you're into that kinda thing: The 'Drift
And ofc the link to my webcomic - which is probably the main reason why I got into map making : - Spindrift - Chapter 2: Brokers Vale: Page 83