I made these things because I noticed that the standard package for maptools only has stairs, but no ramps. So I made about 40 transparencies that are 200 ppi so that they will fit nicely in a square in maptools. I also arranged them proportionally so that the first set of 4 are 1x1 squares, then 1x2, 1x3 and so on all the way up to 1x10. As an added bonus, I noticed that putting these over stair textures makes them look even more realistic so there's that too.

Each set of 4 has four different shading amounts. So the first of every set of four is the darkest (meaning its slope is the steepest) and the last of every set of four is the lightest (meaning its slope is the shallowest).

Here's an example:

Download Link:
All 40 of the ramps are in this file, which is pleasantly small in memory size. Enjoy!