Hello all. I just recently found your site on accident searching the net for map inspiration. I'm a recent college grad looking to break into the field of cartography, particularly in the tabletop RPG/boardgame field. I only have a little experience making a map for a class final, but I am working on other maps currently to build up a portfolio. I really enjoy map making and hope I can break into the field. Anyway (if it matters) I'm proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Map Publisher, Global Mapper and Photoshop and those are the tools I mainly use (not so much Global Mapper for rpg maps). I'm really looking for advice on other programs I should check out, where to find good icons/symbols, fills, fonts, and other things to generally make a map look good and polished. I'll also include a copy of the one map I've made so far and some critiques would be appreciated, just please remember this is my very first map and I know it isn't perfect, but any advice on how to polish it would be great. Also if you want a good look at it download it because google drive seems to have something against it and just makes it look really off. Also if anyone is interested I am working on a brief setting gazetteer to accompany the map.
