The font works for me. They wouldn't happen to have a small caps version for some variety...?

Something that didn't exactly jump out at me, but rather hopped in the direction of my gaze, was the under-texture. The blotchy/blurry nature of it seems to clash a bit, to my eye, with the beautifully crisp textures elsewhere, specifically the subtle crosshatching around the coastline. I assume that this new under-texture is something that was interpolated up to the current size, which would have introduced the blurriness. Perhaps it was JPEGed at some time as well. In either case, my method for "fixing" it, if you're interested, might be to add just a bit of monochromatic gaussian noise to that layer. Something that would break up the blur and give it just a bit of tooth. If you kept it very subtle, no one would be the wiser. The wide-open spaces would just look less glassy, taking on more of a paper grain (ideally).