Generally Howard's Hyborian Age places don't have any matching locations with real life cities or places apart from sometimes similar sounding names.

However at times European geography matches Hyborian Age's geography. Like in the image above, the Pyrenees (real world) are on the same region as Poitanian mountains (HA), southern Aquilonia has also hills that match the Massif Central in modern France. The Ophirean and Nemedian border of Aquilonia also seems to be a mountainous and/or hilly region matching the Alps. Similarly, Howard described in the Hyborian Age essay that British Isles were mountains during the Hyborian Age.

I haven't given much thought when exactly the Hyborian Age supposedly took place. I would say the 10k years ago would not be far back enough but I don't really care. Using modern geography to fill in the blanks when lacking Howard's notes isn't the worst idea if the purpose is to create a complete map.